Monday, February 20, 2012

Meez (qirl) Animation Codes

ot_f_angry01= 3798
ot_f_asleep01= 3799
ot_f_laugh01= 3800
ot_f_hello01= 3801
ot_f_kiss01= 3802
ot_f_embarrassed01= 3803
ot_f_die01= 3804
ot_f_cry01= 3805
ot_f_ew01= 3806
ot_f_goodbye01= 3807
ot_f_brb01= 3808
ot_f_holler01= 3809
ot_f_thriller01= 3810
ot_f_smile01= 3811
ot_f_please01= 3812
ot_f_wtf01= 3813
ot_f_rofl01= 3814
ot_f_no01= 3815
ot_f_sad01= 3816
ot_f_love01= 3817
ot_f_yes01= 3818
ot_f_tease01= 3819
ot_f_yay01= 3820
ot_f_shutup01= 3821
ot_f_thumbsup01= 3822
ot_f_sigh01= 3824
ot_f_wink01= 3825
ot_f_omg01= 3826
FLIRTY= 3884
-----Mountain Dew-----
Dancing with Mountain Dew= 5193
Chilling with Mountain Dew= 5194
-----Mountain Dew-----
ot_f_bfgf01_a= 7618